Full name: Sylvia Andrea Law Tremple
Birthday: January 31, 1987
Age: 19
- Healing
- Create blast bubbles
Main Weapon/s: Mikaer Wand (wand)
Born in Switzerland, Sylvia become childhood friends with Ryu, who later on become her love interest. When Ryu had founded the Mintrige club, Sylvia quickly joined along with her long time best friend Naomi Kinro in hopes of getting closer to him. She found immediate interest in street racing and before long, she was speeding along the course behind the wheel and Naomi in the passenger’s seat. Her technique in entering and exiting a corner are unmatched thanks to Naomi’s expert advice at how much to turn or how hard to push. The duo quickly become the club’s best uphill racers on any course they raced on, until they met Joe Ashter, who beat them. She swears to beat Joe the next time they have a rematch. Upon joining DKX, Sylvia has become the group’s healer, especially in battle, where one flick of her wand heals her ally a hundred percent.
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